Saturday, June 25, 2011

I'd Like To Introduce You To....... The Chicky Chatter Girls!


Although she doesn't happen to be as sweet as her sister, Cuddles, she does have her good days when she's feeling lovey and wants to be held like the big baby she is. Besides Cuddles she has two other sisters, but I gave them to a friend after her 2 wk. old chicks got eaten by a predator.

Cheeky Cheeks (a.k.a. Cheeks)
She's my white Ameraucana with a shy personality and a sweet disposition.
She downs her food like there's no tomorrow, but you wouldn't know it to look at her.

Cleopatra (Cleo for short)

My first Ameraucana out of four to start laying her pretty green eggs.
She also happens to be cheekless, unlike the common Ameraucana.
Likes to perch on my arm, and she holds her tail feathers up with pride.(knowing she's beautiful, she likes to display it).


She's big and she likes to cuddle. And judging by her size, I don't need to be finding her sneaking in the feed bag anymore. LOL!!!


Another cheekless Ameraucana. I purchased all four Ameraucanas at the same time, 2 have cheeks and 2 have none. Lacie has an attitude problem. She is also very unpredictable. She likes to peck my feet as I'm walking and it always feels like she waiting for the right moment to peck something else on me. But then she has days when she's the the sweetest little hen in the world.

Lady Hyacinth

Both of my Australorps have vanity issues, so it's probably a very good thing that I don't have a  mirror in their coop. Otherwise, they would be spending all their time looking at themselves, instead of laying.

Miss Scarlett

This sassy hen was named after
Scarlett O'Hara on "Gone With The Wind".
Not long after I got her, she got pecked in the neck by the others so many times that it tore her skin. After it healed, it looked like a sort of head (or hackle in this case) piece with feathers coming out of it. She and her sister, Queen Isabella, are both Golden Buffs.

Princess Calpernia

She is Lady Hyacinths' sister. Not much to be said about them, besides the fact that they're both proud yet sweet.

Sister to Cheeks, Lacie, and Cleo.
And I have to say, she is the prettiest of the three. Up close, her hackle feathers look transparent, almost like a veil.
She can be sweet when she wants to, but it seems Lacies attitude rubs off on her at times.


  1. Wow! You managed to get some good pictures of yours! Mine aren't quite as adept at modeling yet. ;o) Or maybe I'm just not a very good photographer! :o) I love the named you choose, too. That has been the funnest part for us so far, especially since they haven't started laying yet!

  2. I got a question. One of my chickens always has her feathers fluffed and her wings out and down to her sides n is constantly chattering. N growls when close to other chickens. What is she doing??
