I will be listing the class, weight (male & female), comb style, egg color, production purpose(egg,meat dual,or ornamental), and disposition of each breed. I will also add a picture in the future of each breed.
I'll try and make finding the right breed for you as easy as possible.
Cheeks has the muffs and beard common in the Ameraucana breed |
The Ameraucana breed was derived from blue egg laying chickens, but they do not have the breeding problems inherent to Araucanas. In addition, rather than ear tufts, they have muffs and a beard, and are very hardy and sweet.
They lay eggs in shades of blue, and even have blue (or "slate") legs. Less rare than Araucanas, they are still quite rare and only available through breeders at this time. They should not be confused with Easter Eggers, which can lay blue and green eggs, and do not conform to any breed standard.
However, many hatcheries continue to call their Easter Eggers "Americanas"
(and other various misspellings). If you are interested in showing your birds, make sure that you have true Ameraucana or Araucana.
Mature Male weight: 5 lbs.Mature Female weight: 4 lbs.
Egg color: Blue/Green
Broody: Yes
Comb style: Pea Comb
Disposition: Friendly and Active
Lady Hyacinth is a quiet, docile hen. |
Australorps are one the most popular producers of large brown eggs. They are noted for their persistence in laying even during hot weather. These birds have a very sweet personality.
This breed has a beautiful green sheen to there feathers when the light hits them just right. Most hens mature early and will start egg production at 5-6 months of age.
Mature Male weight: 8.5 lbs.
Mature Female weight: 6.5lbs.
Egg color: Light Brown
Broody: Yes
Comb style: Single
Disposition: Quiet, Docile, Affectionate, and Prissy
Emma has a snippy disposition. |
This is an old-time breed that has been around since 1869 and is perhaps one of the most popular dual-purpose breeds out there.
Mature Male weight: 7-7.5 lbs.
Mature Female weight: 6 lbs.
Egg color: Light Brown
Broody: Not Often
Comb style: Single
Disposition: Quiet, Docile, Affectionate. and Sometimes Snippy
BUFF ORPINGTONS (pics coming soon)
Buff Orpingtons are amongst the most beautiful breeds of chickens there are. They have gorgeous golden feathers that make them stand out above all the other chickens in a flock.This breed makes terrific pets.
Mature Male weight: 10 lbs.
Mature Female weight: 8 lbs.
Egg color: Brown
Broody: Yes
Comb style: Single
Disposition: Playful chicks, Sweet, Affectionate, Docile, and Quiet
Miss Scarlett (bottom) is a Golden Buff hen. |
This breed is actually a hybrid strain of chicken and is brought about by cross breeding one breed of rooster with with another breed of hen. The following combinations are among the most common.
Rhode Island Red rooster/Delware hen
Rhode Island Red rooster/
White Leghorn hen
Rhode Island Red rooster/
White Plymouth Rock hen
Rhode Island Red rooster/Rhode Island White.
Mature Male weight: 5-6 lbs.
Mature Female weight: 4 lbs.
Egg color: Medium Brown
Broody: No
Comb style: Single
Disposition: Calm, Layed Back, and Not Really A Crowd Follower