If you're purchasing chicks from a hatchery, you are going to want to prepare for them before you place your order. Also, you never want to order chicks on a Friday, post offices are not open on weekends, and your chicks will sit in the post office and could possibly die. The post is not responsible for any loss of chicks.
To prepare properly for your chicks you will need:
Chick Starter:
This a medicated food especially for chicks. As your chicks get older you will start them on a different type of food . Always slowly incorporate new food. Find out how on my Chicken Feed page.
Chick Waterer:
This is a smaller version of a standard waterer. It is designed to keep little chicks from drowning in their water.
Available at your local feed depot.
Also for UK residents visit Wells Poultry - The Uk's widest range of poultry equipment.
Heat Lamp:
You will need a heat lamp for the first 6 weeks. Starting off at 95 degrees the first week and then dropping down 5 degrees each week after that.